Archive for the ‘ Freaky deeky ’ Category

One Hell Of A Way To Dry Off

I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news is, this woman doesn’t look too terrible in her bikini. The bad news is, she is batshit crazy high on something and no one is covering the eyes of the young and impressionable children in the swimming pool. This probably led to uncontrollable urination in the pool followed by an anti-drug lecture given to them by their parents while they’re supposed to be enjoying their holiday.

Is This What Dinah Shore Weekend is All About?

I have a very bad feeling that one of these days, this is going to be me (though probably not in a bikini).

Tonetta Shock (Goodbye Boner!)

This guy writes original songs and then videotapes his performances, usually shirtless and I mean…he’s oddly sexy. To mental patients maybe. He looks like one of those dudes from the 80’s who was probably closeted and was super butch, and his name is Chet or some shit, and he wore acid washed Wranglers and an acid washed jean jacket.


The One with Interpretive Dance

There’s this dude, Ian, who apparently likes to videotape himself doing things while he’s bored (that’s what YouTube was created for wasn’t it?). During one of his boredom episodes, he decided to take a few songs and let his body become one with the music all for our viewing pleasure. He’s not terrible, in fact he’s pretty good – but I can’t help but be distracted by two things.

1 – His hair. He’s got a Bieber ‘do and a reverse Bieber ‘do going on all at once. Like instead of it flopping to one side, his part flops to the middle.

2 – He’s got a regular size torso but short legs. The only reason I’m even pointing this out is because I’ve got the same thing going on and now I’m wondering if this is how I look when I flail around on the dancefloor.

Everyone Loves a Dancing Hippie

So, I have this theory – there are two kinds of people in this world: people who love hippies dancing (or are a dancing hippie themselves) and those who make fun of hippies dancing because secretly they wish they had the balls to do it themselves.

Hippies dance like they just don’t give a damn who the hell is watching. They flail their arms and legs like toddlers at a Gymboree class as soon as Raffi, Tom Chapin or Beyonce is put on the radio (toddlers love them some Beyonce). While YouTube is generally filled with nasty comments, racist remarks and people who seem to curse everyone else for being born – YouTube seems to love dancing hippies. In fact, most of the comments are slamming the people who uploaded the videos in the first place.

In honor of me starting to get over being sick for en entire week, I bring you a few videos of happy, dancing, most likely high on something (even if it’s life), hippies.

Do I spy some Thriller??

This guy adds a little ballet to the mix – very impressive.

At least whoever posted this admits that the girl is hot…the real story for me though, is the dude in the white tennis shoes and fanny pack.

To be fair, this looks kind of like copoeira, just a lot less interesting.

Dancing Robots Aren't So Special

Like a scene out of my pornographic nightmares, Japanese pop music has found its newest star and it’s a dancing robot. Of course it is.

If I were one of those backup dancers, I’d be PISSED that that techno freak with the gigantic hands was stealing my thunder. Also, big deal she can dance, I used to have one of those little robotic dogs that could do flips. FLIPS!! I might think about putting her poster up on my wall if she can learn how to deliver me a pizza while doing this routine.

Perez Hilton Meets Silence Of The Lambs

What I’m about to show you is probably something no one should ever have to witness. That being said, you should totally check it out. The man below bears an odd resemblance to Perez Hilton while his dance moves came straight from the Buffalo Bill “I’d fuck me” ballet academy.

For anyone who thinks I’m only picking on him because he’s fat, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I am picking on him because he man-handles his own moobs andĀ proceedsĀ to kiss them while cupping them. Obviously I’m jealous because I can’t (or really won’t) do that to my own lady lumps. I need a drink.